
of the company


The company was founded 1922.
Ludwig Hunger, a mechanic, developed adjustable hand reamers with an unique cutting geometry which is still highly esteemed by professionals due to its soft cutting performance.



The company started manufacture of equipment for automotive engine service

Hunger pioneered precisiong tools for refacing valve seats  by a lathe-type cutting action.
"Hungerizing" was commonly used for precision refacing of valve seats.


The company started in cooperation with a leading marine diesel engine manufacturer the manufacture of service tools for large diesel engines.

The lathe-type valve seat refacing machines were further developed within the last decade.
The modular VD4E Valve Seat Refacing Machine can be fitted with accessories for counterboring valve seat bores, for refacing circular landing surfaces and for refacing the conical seating surface on valve seat cages.


Hunger started with delivery of cylinder liner honing machines, injector nozzle test equipment and high pressure hydraulic power packs.

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